In four card keno, the player chooses between 2 and 10 numbers and has the chance to play on four tables (tickets) at the same time. To put it the other way around, you have the chance to hit seven spots on half of these tickets (2/4) and get a pretty solid jackpot. Keno stats for Washington Lottery in the US suggest that the numbers 75, 29, 53, 65, and 42 are the most common ones (at the time of this post). So, as you see, there’s not much of a rule when it comes to Keno numbers. Some are more frequent than others, sure, but not by that much. The Math Behind Keno.

Best Keno Numbers To Play

What are the best keno numbers to play? Keno, like with other lottery games, requires less imagining and much more luck. A good deal of people possibly will turn to analyzing historical data along with other methods to extract the best keno numbers to play , but at the end of your day, one may win Keno through simply being blessed and being able to randomly pick the best keno numbers at the right time.

A person may choose his birthday, or age, or even house number and win. Another person may simply select random numbers and can be lucky enough to match up 1/2 the numbers and be triumphant. The idea is, that there is actually no guaranteed procedure to determine the next numbers that’ll be chosen, unless you have some extraordinarily precise supernatural powers and you could tell the future and visualize which numbers will be chosen next.

What’s the reason for all this? The point is: one could actually never be certain about what numbers to pick when playing the game of keno. Having said that, that should not stop anyone from playing the game and having a really great. The big thrill from the game of keno is founded on its randomness. If Keno outcomes are effortless to forecast and determine, then pretty much everything will change and Keno will end up being an awfully tedious and unexciting game. The thrill of playing Keno is contained in the indisputable fact that no one is sure of what is going to happen next, and succeeding in the game creates a specific amount of thrills and stimulation that simply no other game can result in.

Now that we’ve established that Keno is a numbers game that is simply subject to luck, it’s also worth noting that whether or not we are unable to obtain the best keno numbers to play Keno, we can learn a few strategies to be able to improve luck and increase our possibilities of winning. For starters, playing with smaller sized number combos can massively amplify the possibilities of winning. When the casino, for instance, requires matching half of the spots picked so you can be successful, then it will certainly be a lot easier to obtain 3 out of 6 spots than it is to have 6 out of 12 spots.

Apart from this, a person can also assess past data, and this will involve previously chosen numbers as well as payment tables. Previously selected winning keno numbers can help decide if there are specific numbers that are always chosen, and if there are some numbers that don’t come up at all. Payout tables, on the other hand, may help a player pick which spot combination offers the bigger payments possibilities of winning.

Best Keno Numbers Conclusion

There isn’t any scientific technique to get the best keno numbers to play, however this does not stop people from playing and actually winning the game. Gamblers might resort to various means and techniques of locating their lucky numbers and enjoying the thrill of being attentive to the numbers being chosen, and savoring each instant which a number they have selected is announced with the microphone meaning they’ve drawn the precise numbers. There is no such thing as a certain method to win at Keno, but it’s definitely very easy to have a blast and revel in each game every time. Keno players are always looking for the next set of keno tips to help them beat the game.


Best Keno Numbers To Play


What can You Do to Win More at Keno?

Let’s say it straight away, Keno is, like any lottery, basically a guessing game. Winning keno numbers are selected completely at random. So the bottom line is that no keno strategy is ever going to be really successful at predicting what will come out.

Having said that, there are some things you can do to edge the odds in your favour. In short, our top tips for winning at keno are as follows:

Play Keno Online

Look for the best payout schedules

By analysing the payout table you can find out before you play what the expected payback over time will be. Not a clue how to do that? Well luckily, we’ve done it for you – at least if you want to play online! If you’re playing keno online the pay schedule is determined largely by what type of gaming software the casino runs on. And we’ve worked out the expected payouts on all the main software brands and listed for you which casinos run on each type.

Play the right number of spots

How many keno numbers should you pick? Most keno games allow you to choose 1 to 15 spots (numbers). You might also find special games that allow a lot more numbers to be chosen. The numbers of spots you pick doesn’t affect the cost of your bet.

The more you pick the better your chances that at least some of them will be drawn out. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a better chance of winning because you will need to catch more of them before you win anything.

For instance, if you pick a 6-spot, in most casinos you wouldn’t win anything unless at least 3 of them were drawn. So it’s a balancing act between selecting enough numbers to give you a reasonable chance of catching a few, but not so many that you have to catch lots before you get a payout.

Regular players tend to opt for between 4 and 8 numbers. If you choose less than 4 spots, the payout schedules mean that it isn’t worth it – the payouts are relatively low and the house has too large an advantage.


If you choose more than 9 spots, the odds of all your numbers actually getting picked are so small that it’s hardly worth even trying. In the extreme case, the odds of getting 15 catches out of 15 spots are about 428 BILLION to 1 (pretty much impossible)!

If you play a high number of spots, some casinos pay out if none of them come up, but you’d need to check their schedule to make sure of this. If you’re a Jackpot hunter: On any pay schedule the BIGGEST jackpot is on maximum spots. But sadly, the more spots you pick, the more remote your chances of winning.

Play several ‘ways’

You can increase your chances of some kind of win from the set of numbers you have selected by betting on a variety of ‘ways’. If, for instance, you have selected 8 numbers as an 8-spot, you could at the same time group them as two 4-spots.

You would then have 3 separate wagers on the same set of numbers. If all 8 came up you would collect 3 lots of winnings (But of course if none of them came up you would lose all three stakes!) You should note that these multi-bet options are usually only available in live, offline keno. But we’ve found one site where you can bet several ways on the same keno draw.

Set a good wager level

How much to wager? Well it depends on such factors as what you can afford, how much the casino will allow, the details of the payout schedule.

Choose lucky numbers!

Best 5 Keno Numbers To Play Video Poker

Everyone has their own superstitions and favoured methods of picking numbers. How about trying some of these:

  • try our picker.
  • family birthdays or ages (although this is likely to slant your picks towards
  • smaller numbers)
  • telephone numbers or street address numbers
  • a particular layout of numbers on the card
  • a ‘psychic feeling’ – just close your eyes and see what comes to mind
  • a ‘quick pick’ where the computer picks your numbers for you at random

Statistically it really shouldn’t make any difference how you pick your keno numbers – but who knows?